|  | Jun Qtr 2010 | Mar Qtr 2011 | Jun Qtr 2011 |
TREND ESTIMATES | '000 | '000 | '000 |
Number Slaughtered(a) |  |  |  |
 | Cattle (excl.calves) | 1 869 | 1 829 | 1 807 |
 | Calves | 218 | 183 | 185 |
 | Sheep | 1 554 | 1 258 | 1 048 |
 | Lambs | 4 693 | 4 391 | 4 331 |
 | Pigs | 1 156 | 1 154 | 1 150 |
 | Chickens | 121 608 | 137 445 | 136 772 |
(a) A new methodology and revised definitions have been adopted for producing estimates of livestock slaughtering and meat production. For further details refer to the Explanatory Notes. |
 |  | Jun Qtr 2010 | Mar Qtr 2011 | Jun Qtr 2011 |
 |  | tonnes | tonnes | tonnes |
Meat produced(a) |  |  |  |
 | Beef | 517 602 | 521 435 | 519 193 |
 | Veal | 12 862 | 11 681 | 12 339 |
 | Mutton | 35 184 | 28 979 | 24 575 |
 | Lamb | 101 029 | 96 642 | 96 383 |
 | Pig meat | 84 613 | 84 977 | 84 856 |
 | Chicken meat | 219 562 | 255 734 | 254 991 |
Wool receivals | 85 274 | 94 930 | 94 524 |
(a) A new methodology and revised definitions have been adopted for producing estimates of livestock slaughtering and meat production. For further details refer to the Explanatory Notes. |
 | Mar Qtr 2010 | Dec Qtr 2010 | Mar Qtr 2011 |
 | ML | ML | ML |
Whole milk intake by factories | 2 265 | 2 254 | 2 223 |
- In the June quarter 2011, sheep slaughterings fell 17%.
- Lamb slaughterings fell 1% to 4.3 million in the June quarter 2011.
- The estimate for live sheep exports in the June quarter 2011 increased by 14%.
- The export estimate for cattle increased 28% to 182 thousand in the June quarter.
ISSUE (QUARTER) | Release Date |
September 2011 | 14 November 2011 |
This publication presents statistics on livestock slaughterings, meat production, whole milk intake by factories, market milk sales by factories, receivals of taxable wool by brokers and dealers, exports of live sheep and cattle and exports of fresh, chilled, frozen and processed meat. It also includes seasonally adjusted and trend estimates of slaughtering, meat production, whole milk intake and wool receivals. More detailed information can be obtained by contacting the Australian Bureau of Statistics or by referring to the monthly publication
Livestock and Meat, Australia (cat. no. 7218.0.55.001).
As part of the review of dissemination methods undertaken by the ABS, the following changes to the
Livestock Products, Australia (cat. no. 7215.0) will take effect from the September quarter publication:
- The PDF version of this publication will be discontinued from the September quarter. Upcoming releases of this publication will still be available electronically.
- The supply of milk data will be discontinued. The latest information on milk data can be obtained directly from Dairy Australia via a website link to be provided in the next publication.
- The red meat quarterly time series will be discontinued. A monthly red meat time series is available in Livestock and Meat, Australia (cat. no. 7218.0.55.001)
For further information about these and related statistics, contact the National Information and Referral Service on 1300 135 070.